Palazzo Gonzaga Acerbi

Palazzo Gonzaga Acerbi

Type: Palaces and Castles

On the northern side of Piazza Mazzini, enclosed between the medieval Clock Tower and Torrazzo, stands Palazzo Gonzaga Acerbi. Dating back to 1499 and built by the Marquis and bishop Ludovico Gonzaga, was turned into a real Renaissance court by his grandson, Aloisio.
At the death of his father and uncle, Aloisio inherited the lands of Castel Goffredo, Castiglione delle Stiviere and Solferino, and made Castel Goffredo the capital of his marquisate. He operated to beautify not only his home but the whole city. Aloisio had the rooms of the palace decorated with frescoes and created a beautiful garden where he used to gather his most important guests: Emperor Charles V, for example, or the court poet Matteo Bandello, who would tell of Castel Goffredo in his stories.

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