Collegio delle Vergini di Gesù

Collegio delle Vergini di Gesù

Type: Museums

The Collegio is a complex of buildings. The original building dates back to the 1500s and respects the typical structure of the manor house in the Mantua area.

In fact, it was at first the home of the Aliprandi family, The Prince’s mintmasters. The Prince fathered Elena, wife of Rodolfo Gonzaga and mother of the founders of the school: Cinzia, Olimpia and Gridonia.

This school of women was founded on 21 June 1608 as a lay congregation of noble women, gathered here to lead a life of prayer and dedication to others by educating and teaching “young girls”. In 1891 it hosted St. Pius X (then Bishop of Mantua) in honour of the festivities for the third centenary of St. Aloysius’ death.

Inside the school, since 1969 there is the Museo Storico Aloisiano (St. Aloysius Historical Museum) thanks to the efforts of Monsignor Luigi Bosio from Mantua: the building contains works of sacred art linked to the figure of St. Aloysius, many portraits, furniture and memorabilia. Particularly valuable are the silver clock, given to Marta Tana for the birth of St. Aloysius, and the refectory, built in the first half of the 1700s, designed by Ippolito Sivieri and enriched by a majestic wooden furnishing attributed to the Ceratelli school.

This place is part of the Aloysian pilgrimage, itinerary of history, art and faith to discover St. Aloysius Gonzaga.
Download the flyer for further details: pellegrinaggio-san-luigi

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