The Castle

The Castle

Type: Palaces and Castles

This is the place where St. Aloysius was born on 9 March 1568. Here, he lived to the age of 17, but with many interruptions due to his many trips. Here is where he started his spiritual journey, together with his mother.
The great wall, interrupted by seven turrets and an entrance tower, contained a large area in where the inhabitants of the villages below found safe shelter up to the fifteenth century. On the top was the Rock.
Ferrante Gonzaga, St. Aloysius’ father, made it his permanent home in 1567, and populated the Castle and the Rock with buildings and structures necessary for the feud maintenance.
In the early eighteenth century, after the disasters of the war of the Spanish Succession, only impressive ruins were left. In 1761 it was decided to build the new parish church: the crumbling material was used for the building of the cathedral and the castle area was leveled. As a remembrance of the holy citizen remained the ruins of the church of St. Sebastian, the entrance tower and a few turrets. Since 1891 a white marble pillar marks the place where stood the palace where Aloysius was born.


This place is part of the Aloysian pilgrimage, itinerary of history, art and faith to discover St. Aloysius Gonzaga.
Download the flyer for further details: pellegrinaggio-san-luigi

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