Aloysian piligrimage

Aloysian piligrimage

Type: Churches, Museums, Palaces and Castles

Following the traces of Saint Aloysius Gonzaga is surely a very enriching and profound experience. This piligrimage followes a route that goes along streets and paths where the marks of such a focused and consistent spiritual journey were preserved through history. Many have gone and keep going through this journey with faith from the 1600s and have come close to the “highest good” that St. Aloysius compares to a “sea without shores or bottom”.
The suggested route starts from the Castle and the Basilica of San Sebastiano, continues to the Duomo and the Church of the Disciplines, the College of the Virgins of Jesus with the Aloysian Museum, then reaches the Basilica of St. Aloysius and the front square. You can get to the Chiesa dei Cappuccini, which houses the venerable relic of the Madonna del Noce and, not far from here, to the Convent of Santa Maria.
You can book from Monday to Friday (8:30 am – 12:00) at the Segreteria dell’Unità Pastorale “Aloisiana”
Phone: 0376.638037
Download the flyer for details

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Tel: +39 0376 781218

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