Parish Church of Santa Maria Assunta

Parish Church of Santa Maria Assunta

Type: Churches

The Parish Church is dedicated to the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. From the outside, you can appreciate the solemnity of the facade, emphasized by the impressive marble staircase leading down to the square and enriched by the elegant bell tower.
Inside is a three naves church. On the sides, there are lateral chapels. The building is the result of different styles harmoniously reassembled by Fra Paolo Soratini, abbot and architect in Lonato in 1750.
The temple contains priceless works of art (errore: testimonianze scritto sbagliato) such as the altarpiece “The Risen Lord appears to his Mother”, late work of Titian. He probably came to the community of Medole as a sign of gratitude for the many years in which he enjoyed the benefit of the parish, (errore: beneficio scritto sbagliato) assigned by the Duke of Mantua, first to his son Pomponio and then to his grandson.
Extraordinary is the group in painted terracotta, from the Church of the Annunciation of the Augustinians, demolished after the suppression in 1783. This is perhaps one of the strongest examples derived from an engraving by Andrea Mantegna. The layout is closely modeled on the Deposition of Christ by the master from Padova, especially in the posture of the characters, in the dramatic expressions on the faces and in the emphasis of strong pathos that characterizes each individual sculpture.
The restoration of this chapel is one of the great works of protection and enhancement of cultural heritage that Fondazione Cariplo is supporting through funding the Terre dell’Alto Mantovano project.

Contatti terre alto mantovano

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