Sunday Concerts

Sunday Concerts

Period: April, May
Type: Music and theater

“The beat of music has a magical power to which we are so susceptible that often, in hearing music, we beat time to it without being aware of the fact.”

Sunday Concerts have been held for more than 10 years, taking inspiration from these Hegel’s words.

The music festival comes to life in Mantua during the first days of November, and in spring it moves to Palazzo Gonzaga Guerrieri in Volta Mantovana. The concerts range from classical music, to folk, jazz and Latin American music. The internationally renowned artists have the pleasure to perform, for a whole month, in a very particular frame that is the Ballroom of the sixteenth-century palace.

During the concerts, visitors can enjoy the music while sitting inside the room, or walking through the gardens of the villa, where the notes, if the wind allows, are transported.

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Contatti terre alto mantovano

Tel: +39 0376 781218

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